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Heatwave and Back to School Tips

By |2020-08-17T14:26:01+01:00August 17th, 2020|Balance, Doshas, Heatwave, Herbal Formulas, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Pitta|

Back to school, we go! As parents and children alike prepare to return to the previous ‘norm’ of the busy morning routine on a ‘school day’, do you sigh with relief or feel an unexpected sadness? As Scotland leads the way, schools are now getting ready to receive their charges as children and teachers once again prepare to be together. As the heatwaves currently being experienced leave their impact, you may also have noticed a tendency for your child to be more reactive, expressing frustration and anger more easily. If so, the increased external heat has caused an imbalance of Pitta dosha within leading to signs of Pitta imbalance. There are other signs of Pitta imbalance that you may not be aware of that indicate a need to balance Pitta in the mind-body and your environment. Let’s consider them below.

Maharishi Gandharva Veda – Music for the Mind and Body

By |2020-08-06T15:09:19+01:00August 6th, 2020|Gandharva, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Music, Raja|

Maharishi Gandharva Veda is the coherent flow of sound, designed to promote balance, inner peace and better health. Performing or hearing these melodies at the proper time of the day neutralizes stress in the mind and environment and creates a harmonizing influence, not only for the individual but for the whole world.

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